Little Ms. Polymath

aka the know-it-all

dry brush. February 8, 2010

Filed under: this week I really love.... — mspolymath @ 11:35 am

This edition of twirl is all about my love love love for my dry brush. Every morning before I shower (but after my jumping jacks and stretching) I run a dry brush over most of my body. It sloughs off the dead skin, improves circulation, and some say even helps the immune system. Scandinavians have been dry brushing for hundreds of years, and they claim some of the other positive affects include: 

  • Removal of cellulite
  • Cleansing of the lymphatic system
  • Skin tightening
  • Tones muscle
  • Aids digestion

I’ve only been dry brushing for a couple of weeks, so I can’t really attest to any of the benefits aside from exfoliation. But it feels great and adds a nice ritual to my morning. 

Oooh, sweet dry brush.




doctors say. February 4, 2010

Filed under: unemployment diary — mspolymath @ 11:44 am

So true.


one word. February 3, 2010

Filed under: this week I really love.... — mspolymath @ 11:55 am

This week’s edition of twirl only requires one word:



greetings from the groundhog. February 2, 2010

Filed under: unemployment diary — mspolymath @ 11:20 am

So, the rodent says we have six more weeks of winter. I could have probably told you that around 3:00 this morning when I heard the snow plows outside our bedroom window.

In other new I rescheduled this week’s big trip due to, naturally, scheduling issues. I’m bummed. So now I’m going to watch Witness. Nothing cheers me up like an Amish thriller, especially one viewed from the new couch.

As far as I'm concerned Bill Murray starred in *the* definitive film about February 2nd.


out of sorts. February 1, 2010

Filed under: unemployment diary — mspolymath @ 10:40 am

It’s my second Monday of unemployment. Honestly, I think I’ve slept too much, because I’m finding it difficult to get my brain revved in the morning. Things are pretty low-key now – major highlights include filing my taxes, filing for my first week of unemployment, and completing COBRA paperwork.

The biggest drama today is waiting for the delivery of our new couch. I’ve pretty much been stood up by the delivery people every step of the way and I still haven’t received a confirmation call. It’s far too mundane to detail here, let alone write out. Long story short, we’re supposed to get a new couch today and I can’t wait until it’s here. And I have no idea when that will be.

Tomorrow I’ll wake up earlier. And get more done. Plus, this week I get to see my Mama and my bestest friends and work with Katy on our conquer-the-world plan. Life is grand.

All week I've been day dreaming about exotic vacations and warm weather. This looks pretty good to me right now.